Seeing The Unseen

Beyond Prejudices, Paradigms, and Party Lines
My Blog


There are forces and voices in our increasingly polarized world that want us to view the issues of the day in a binary way: this or that; good or bad. Most issues are more complicated. This blog seeks to invite people to journey beyond the safety, if not the rigidity, of our silo and our ego – to the soul; where we have the opportunity to see things differently.

The Hope of Ubuntu During an Avalanche of Change

“Out beyond ideas of rightdoing and wrongdoing there is a field.  I will meet you there.”  So wrote Sufi poet Rumi, a Persian who lived from 1207-1273.  His well-remembered words have framed the desire that many have had since to move beyond the limitations of...

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Soweto and a Sermon

Soweto and a Sermon

Two days ago I was in Soweto, a township of two million people located just outside of Johannesburg. For decades Soweto was seen as the epicenter of anguish during the years of Apartheid, from 1948 to 1994. Thousands of people were forcefully removed from rural...

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A bishop and gun safety activist offers a way forward from opposing viewpoints.

Instead of dismissing those whose views and experiences are different from our own, the author argues that we must look directly at them and see the goodness that is inherent in all things. From the language we use to the imperative to understand and include, we have a duty to work through opposition and build community.

Bishop Beckwith describes it this way: “We are trained to think, yet the cultural emphasis on thinking has not be applied to our ability to see . . . We are not as well trained in seeing the world’s fullness―pain and joy, compassion and cruelty. We regularly receive glimpses of pain and joy, but they are often presented in such a way as to reinforce our thinking.”

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